Interlatina Interlatina


17 March, 2021
New Era in Higher Education

The COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges for universities and students. We all had to adapt our roles with imagination and determination.

And many changes are here to stay!


1- Technology for learning: Technology has enormous potential to deepen and support learning outside the classroom. The pandemic forced us to migrate to virtual reality! Videos, interactive media, and discussion forums are now part of the teaching and study media for students.


2- Redefine commitment: Before the pandemic, commitment and assistance were synonymous, but when no one can be physically present, we are forced to redefine what commitment really means and how we can be sure that something is happening. The interactions and discussions students engage in online say much more about engagement than simply showing up at a conference.


3- Creative assessment: Written exams were impossible to take during the pandemic, so methods such as open-book assessment, case studies, policy briefing, and podcast recording were applied. This allowed curiosity and academic inquiry to be intensified!


4- Students as partners: Online learning requires a greater commitment from students and teachers: they have had to work together to achieve success. This led teachers to increasingly view students as "Partners in their Education", jointly designing activities and assessments, making them active participants in their learning.


5- Complementation of methodologies: The incorporation of online teaching will allow teachers to focus on those activities that best suit the topic they are covering and design them to fit, taking advantage of all the potential that this new reality presents us with.

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