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01 June, 2020
10 Things You Didn't Know About Germany!

1. What can I find in Germany?

It is an incredible destination to discover its cities, its natural landscapes, its traditional beer and its history. It is among the 10 most visited countries in the world! But above all, Germany has a very strong literary culture. The Gutenberg Press (the revolutionary printing process) was invented in Germany, believed to print the Bible. In 1663, the German poet and theologian Johann Rist published the Erbauliche Monaths-Unterredungen philosophy newspaper, which he considers to be the world's first magazine. Germany publishes around 94,000 titles each year, among the highest number on earth.

2. Is German the only spoken language?

Although German is the official language, being part of the European Union is quite common in the country to listen to people who speak English, French, Spanish, among other languages.


3. In Germany you can find 300 varieties of bread

Bread is a vital part of German cuisine and it is practically impossible to walk a few blocks in the country without finding a tempting bakery. The country bakes an astonishing 300 types of bread (not including regional variations) and almost 1,200 types of bread rolls and baked goods. As expected, there are two bread museums in the country, in the cities of Ulm and Ebergötzen.


4. Beer culture and Oktoberfest

Beer for Germans is an institution and the consideration of their national drink. There are more than 5000 German beers, you find them in all their cities and they are delicious! Munich is the city with the largest number of local factories, which is why the famous beer festival, also known as the Oktoberfest, is held. Between 5 and 6 million people go to Munich to celebrate it!


5. The capital of Germany changed location 7 times

During the Carolingian period, Aachen used to be the capital of Germany. Over the years, Regensburg, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Berlin, Weimar, and Bonn have served as the capital cities of Germany, in that order. Berlin has been the country's capital since 1990.

6. Germany is a leader in environmental care and sustainable energy

In 2011 we made the decision to dismantle all nuclear power plants (which will later produce around 18% of the electricity consumed) by 2022 and replace them with renewable energy and new storage for green electricity.

7. In Germany there is an impressive number of castles

The German landscape is dotted with more than 20,000 castles! Many of these data from centuries ago and the vast majority are open to the public. Some of the castles house restaurants, hotels, cafes, museums, while some are even for sale.


8. What sport stands out in Germany?

It is a country that has many sports, such as skiing, skating, basketball, swimming, but it stands out in Soccer since it is the country with the most clubs!


9. Germany has almost 1000 varieties of sausages!

The most popular sausage in Germany is currywurst, sausages topped with spicy curry. An estimated 800 million currywurst are consumed in Germany each year. Such is the winner of this classic dish that there is a museum dedicated to him in Berlin.


10. Inventions

Various things related to our daily life in Germany were invented, including the X-ray machine (by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895), the pocket watch, the clarinet, the rubber bears, the cuckoo clock, the diesel engine, the paraffin, automatic calculator, aspirin, fluorescent lamp, phone, Fanta, LCD screen and pregnancy test. Furthermore, the world-famous Adidas and Puma are German brands, started by brothers Adolf Dassler and Rudolph Dassler, respectively.

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