Interlatina Interlatina


Preguntas Frecuentes

  • What is the minimum of weeks?

    We recommend to take at least a two week course.

  • ¿The accomodation is always homestay?

    No. Depending on the program you choose. There is also the option of boarding school for example.

  • Whal level of english is required?

    Zero! You are not required to know english to participate int eh program.

  • Do they have WiFi at the school?

    It depends on the program you choose. While homestays usually offer WiFi, it's more common that Boarding Schools don't, in able to promote socializing between the students.

  • Will I travel alone or in group?

    If you are younger than 16 you will have to travel with a responsible adult. However, students 16 or older can choose to travel alone.

  • What time of the year is best for doing this program?

    January, July and August are the best months.

  • When should I apply?

    At least three (3) months before the travelling date.