Interlatina Interlatina


28 March, 2017
Work and Travel USA Testimonial

Third year? At the same resort? That was the question many asked me this time, and I tell them what? Yes! my third year in the same resort, same place, same things to do, same everything; but in spite of that people change (that can become very close friends); the work, the activities that one does, the people one lives in (from living in one apartment.) Of all women from Peru, Argentina and Chile, to live alone with Brazilians and Peruvians, and to live with men and one from each country ); Even oneself (I believe, or at least personally) changes; learns many new things, from something minimal, to how they are and how the people and cultures of other countries live; although they are not all the same. And when you arrive, more than arriving at your house, with your family and friends of always, with whom you lived since childhood, is to start all over again, like the first day you arrived at your place of work / resort; and that they tell you that every time you come back these more rare, different, that you changed. You were so used to living in a way, being independent, doing what you want, living with friends, being 24 hours. In movement and with people, it is rare to be alone, you feel incomplete, as if you lack something. What did I learn? Learning: to become more independent of what I am, to be more sociable, more sympathetic, to coexist, that one can make its reality, a different reality (even for a time) and beyond that when you say "now you are here, this is YOUR reality. " My reality? I do not know about you, but my reality, even if it is not for life, only for a short period of time, were months of living to the fullest, and I do not regret it in the least pussy. And what is it that I take?  Experiences, unforgettable memories, things that I could cross out of my list and add more; but most of all amazing and unknown people, who now, after these months, I can call friends, grades friends could say, they did these 3 and a half months, something that would not have happened without them.

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