Interlatina Interlatina


East Strousdburg, PA / Cranmore, NH

Constanza is 23 years old, she studies Communication Sciences and she opens up about her experience as a participant of the Work & Travel USA program.

Name: Constanza A C
Age: 23
Profession: Student of Communication Sciences
Companies: Shawnee Mountain Ski Area, PA / Cranmore Mountain Resort, NH

How are you?

I'm good! Happy and tired.

Tell us a little what you are living.

Originally we went with some friends to a ski resort but finally we decided to move to another one since the working conditions in this last place were better. I used to work as a Lift Operator and now I'm working in the Food & Beverage area. I love working where I work, I really like cooking and it's a big part of my day, and my boss and my supervisor are amazing.
At the beginning I was working part time, so with effort they gave me more and more hours. I am surrounded by Americans so I have to practice English for sure.
The work environment is very nice, I learnt a lot of things, I met beautiful people. At the beginning it was a little bit bummed but I am a very positive person and I take it as an apprenticeship what I lived in this experience. The people in Cranmore are spectacular, the mountain is beautiful and the town is lovely.

What would you recommend to someone who would like to follow in your footsteps?
Check the job offer well!

All this information is very useful for us and for children who want to travel with the program so we thank you very much for your collaboration.
Thank you!