Reno, Nevada
Tomas is 20 years old, he went as a Starbuck's Barista to a Resort in Nevada and he tells us about his experience.
Name: Tomas A L L
Age: 20
Profession: Business Administration Student
Destination: Reno, Nevada
Company and position where you work: Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Barista
What is the experience for?
The experience is to meet people, improve the english language and to travel.
Is work as you imagined?
More or less, the work itself yes, but in february there were few people at the resort so we worked between 30 and 32 hours per week. Now we have talked and do between 33 and 35 work hours per week. I am a barista at Starbucks and it is almost the same as in Argentina (I had already worked for a year at Starbucks in Argentina).
What is the work environment like? How is the relationship with other coworkers?
The work environment is really good. The coworkers themselves are really cool. From the first week they suggested trips to go with them, they took us to Lake Tahoe, they invited us to lunch, they even pick us up in the mornings in the car to go together to work! We went to see the superbowl with them, a lot of things.
What are the best things about your job? And the worst?
The best things about work: interaction with people and colleagues.
The worst: the relationship with the manager, who does not let us be cashiers and we have less tips.
Could you meet other places?
Yes! I've been to Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Sacramento, San Francisco, Carson City, Virginia City, Oklahoma and we will go on a tour of the entire west coast. We plan to rent a home engine and we will travel from San Francisco to San Diego. I came alone, I met some Cordoba boys, and every weekend we rented a car between the 5, we put together the food and we left.
What surprised you the most?
The landscapes and the people.
What would you recommend to someone who would like to follow in your footsteps?
I would recommend if you want to come to Reno too, to look at the different job opportunities within the hotel, and travel as much as you can!
Any anecdote that you take from the experience?
Phew! How hard! There's a lot. Staying in a Jacuzzi until 10 at night with Yankees. I have thousands of every trip and every day!
All this information is very useful for us and for the kids who want to travel with the program the next seasons so we thank you very much for your collaboration.
Age: 20
Profession: Business Administration Student
Destination: Reno, Nevada
Company and position where you work: Grand Sierra Resort and Casino - Barista
What is the experience for?
The experience is to meet people, improve the english language and to travel.
Is work as you imagined?
More or less, the work itself yes, but in february there were few people at the resort so we worked between 30 and 32 hours per week. Now we have talked and do between 33 and 35 work hours per week. I am a barista at Starbucks and it is almost the same as in Argentina (I had already worked for a year at Starbucks in Argentina).
What is the work environment like? How is the relationship with other coworkers?
The work environment is really good. The coworkers themselves are really cool. From the first week they suggested trips to go with them, they took us to Lake Tahoe, they invited us to lunch, they even pick us up in the mornings in the car to go together to work! We went to see the superbowl with them, a lot of things.
What are the best things about your job? And the worst?
The best things about work: interaction with people and colleagues.
The worst: the relationship with the manager, who does not let us be cashiers and we have less tips.
Could you meet other places?
Yes! I've been to Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Sacramento, San Francisco, Carson City, Virginia City, Oklahoma and we will go on a tour of the entire west coast. We plan to rent a home engine and we will travel from San Francisco to San Diego. I came alone, I met some Cordoba boys, and every weekend we rented a car between the 5, we put together the food and we left.
What surprised you the most?
The landscapes and the people.
What would you recommend to someone who would like to follow in your footsteps?
I would recommend if you want to come to Reno too, to look at the different job opportunities within the hotel, and travel as much as you can!
Any anecdote that you take from the experience?
Phew! How hard! There's a lot. Staying in a Jacuzzi until 10 at night with Yankees. I have thousands of every trip and every day!
All this information is very useful for us and for the kids who want to travel with the program the next seasons so we thank you very much for your collaboration.