Hot Springs, Virginia
Fiorella is 24 years old, studies Kinesiology and she opens up about her experience as a participant of the Work & Travel USA
Name: Fiorella A M
Age: 24
Profession: Kinsesiology student
Destination: Hot Springs, Virginia
Company and position where you work: Omni Homestead Resort - Busser
Is your job as you imagined?
Yes, and the truth is that it is very good. My coworkers help me a lot, they are always very enthusiastic.
What are the best things about your job? And the worst?
The best are the people I work with. And the worst is that since it is not a good work season, we are now doing less hours per week. Now I work around 30 hours a week, we were making around 60 around Christmas and New Year
Could you visit other places?
Yes, a good group of friends was assembled and we met Las Vegas, Washington and Roanoke (we went with one of the managers) and we are thinking on going to West Virginia before returning to Argentina.
What do you do on your days off?
I go for a walk, on Tuesdays they take us to Walmart, we have parties at the housing,…
What surprised you the most?
Most of all the people. Here they are all very sociable (except my boss!). We met a group of very nice group of Filipinos.
What would you recommend to someone who would like to have the same experience as you?
First of all they try to sign up at the beginning of the year to have more chances to go. And I would tell them to lower their expectations haha, which can be better or worse! There were difficult times that were compensated by the people I live and work with. I would tell him to enjoy everything he can. I don't want to come back!!
Age: 24
Profession: Kinsesiology student
Destination: Hot Springs, Virginia
Company and position where you work: Omni Homestead Resort - Busser
Is your job as you imagined?
Yes, and the truth is that it is very good. My coworkers help me a lot, they are always very enthusiastic.
What are the best things about your job? And the worst?
The best are the people I work with. And the worst is that since it is not a good work season, we are now doing less hours per week. Now I work around 30 hours a week, we were making around 60 around Christmas and New Year
Could you visit other places?
Yes, a good group of friends was assembled and we met Las Vegas, Washington and Roanoke (we went with one of the managers) and we are thinking on going to West Virginia before returning to Argentina.
What do you do on your days off?
I go for a walk, on Tuesdays they take us to Walmart, we have parties at the housing,…
What surprised you the most?
Most of all the people. Here they are all very sociable (except my boss!). We met a group of very nice group of Filipinos.
What would you recommend to someone who would like to have the same experience as you?
First of all they try to sign up at the beginning of the year to have more chances to go. And I would tell them to lower their expectations haha, which can be better or worse! There were difficult times that were compensated by the people I live and work with. I would tell him to enjoy everything he can. I don't want to come back!!