Lake Placid, New York
Matias is 23 years old, studies English Translation and he tells us about his story about overcoming obstacles in the Work & Travel USA program
Name: Matías G O
Age: 23
Ocupation: English Translation
Destination: Lake Placid, NY
Company and position where you work: Crowne Plaza Lake Placid - Housekeeping
How are you?
Perfect, very good.
The season is ending, do you want to come back?
Part of me yes, part of me no.
What was the experience for?
For many things. Mainly to improve my English, especially. I am very grateful I received a lot of help from the people here. They say they americans are cold but my experience is the opposite.
Was the work as you imagined?
Yes, since it is my second year here. I have two jobs, housekeeping and chef.
What do you do on your days off?
I sleep more haha. I usually go for a walk, to shop. There are students from all over Peru, Costa Rica, Paraguay, ... Now we are doing many goodbyes, for example the other day I met with friends who are Americans. They played the guitar, it was very nice.
Could you visit other places?
Yes, I met Vermont, I went to a Dubstep show, and the Niagara Falls.
What surprised you the most?
This was a trip that I needed to do and that had good times and bad moments. I got to know myself and other people. I arrived here almost without desire, without wanting to come, I had my ups and downs. Now I am much better, I met people who made me realize how much I am worth. I will return to Argentina renewed, one could say. I needed to take a break from everything, I wasn't having a good time. I was not well with myself and therefore could not be well with anybody else, not even with my best friend or with my family that I love. Here, I went to the doctor and started going to therapy. It helped me a lot. I am very grateful to the people who were there to help me, it was not easy but it was worth it.
What would you recommend to someone who would like to follow in your footsteps?
I would recommend that you do not hesitate, which is the best thing you can do. It opens your head. Today I am enjoying it a lot, you know people who are wonderful from all over the world. The experience is excellent.
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Age: 23
Ocupation: English Translation
Destination: Lake Placid, NY
Company and position where you work: Crowne Plaza Lake Placid - Housekeeping
How are you?
Perfect, very good.
The season is ending, do you want to come back?
Part of me yes, part of me no.
What was the experience for?
For many things. Mainly to improve my English, especially. I am very grateful I received a lot of help from the people here. They say they americans are cold but my experience is the opposite.
Was the work as you imagined?
Yes, since it is my second year here. I have two jobs, housekeeping and chef.
What do you do on your days off?
I sleep more haha. I usually go for a walk, to shop. There are students from all over Peru, Costa Rica, Paraguay, ... Now we are doing many goodbyes, for example the other day I met with friends who are Americans. They played the guitar, it was very nice.
Could you visit other places?
Yes, I met Vermont, I went to a Dubstep show, and the Niagara Falls.
What surprised you the most?
This was a trip that I needed to do and that had good times and bad moments. I got to know myself and other people. I arrived here almost without desire, without wanting to come, I had my ups and downs. Now I am much better, I met people who made me realize how much I am worth. I will return to Argentina renewed, one could say. I needed to take a break from everything, I wasn't having a good time. I was not well with myself and therefore could not be well with anybody else, not even with my best friend or with my family that I love. Here, I went to the doctor and started going to therapy. It helped me a lot. I am very grateful to the people who were there to help me, it was not easy but it was worth it.
What would you recommend to someone who would like to follow in your footsteps?
I would recommend that you do not hesitate, which is the best thing you can do. It opens your head. Today I am enjoying it a lot, you know people who are wonderful from all over the world. The experience is excellent.
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