Interlatina Interlatina

Study Abroad

Teacher Campus at Cambridge: Advanced Teaching Skills


Course type: Teacher development
Age of student: 18+
Language level: Upper Intermediate (B2) - Proficient (C2)
Course Length: 2 weeks
Location: Bell Cambridge


Who is this course for?
Participants with an upper-intermediate (B2) language level or above.
Experienced teachers and educational leaders (directors of studies, heads of department, heads of school, heads of quality), quality assurance inspectors, and teacher trainers who want to become expert teachers of English or teach other teachers how to become an expert teacher
Participants who work in secondary, tertiary or other adult contexts
Course outcomes

You will have:
An increased understanding - informed by current evidence-based educational research - of what works in schools to improve students' and teachers' learning.
An increased capacity to trigger changes in the quality of teaching, leading to improved learning outcomes within participants' educational organisations
An increased ability to help teachers apply principles of expert teaching to the classroom
A greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity; and a greater ability to address the needs of individual learners, including those with learning difficulties, disabilities and the gifted and talented
Increased opportunities for professional and career development
Improved English language competences

Course includes:
30 hours tuition
Workshops on hot topics led by our expert teacher trainers
Programme of social and cultural events
Travel insurance
End of course certificate
Accommodation either with a local family (homestay) or a nearby self-catering residence
Free wifi onsite

For more information please contact us at 011-4811-4637 or by email: