Interlatina Interlatina



Teach in schools in russia


• 18 to 35 years
• Native of English, Spanish or another language that you master
• Full secondary


Are you passionate about teaching? Do you like to visit new places? Travel and explore real Russia with your skills as a teacher through our program! If you want to work as a language teacher and expand your horizons, this program is for you!

You can teach Spanish or English to Russian students and at the same time learn Russian. While you learn a new language during the program, you can work in a language school, where you can stay between 2 to 12 months as a teacher and receive a salary or be from 1 to 3 months as a volunteer assistant teacher.

1 to 3 months: Volunteer
6 to 12 months: from 10 USD to 20 USD per hour

Combine your work as a teacher and live with a local family at the same time. Do not miss the opportunity to visit Russia for a couple of months and stay in a nice house with a local family. Each family is carefully selected and will provide you with accommodation and all meals in a single room. In your free time you can explore the city and the nearby area, meet new friends or just go for a walk with your host family.

Assistant Professor: your school colleagues will help you to understand the plan of the subject and they will indicate your obligations (nothing very difficult) as for example, help with school activities, organize the discussion team , help with administrative tasks, among others.